Pediatrician in Севастополе

1 отзыв
Pediatrician, Health care, Ultrasound scan, medical laboratory, Multifaceted Medical Centres
Pediatrician, Day Care Centeres, Early development centers, nursery education, logopedist services, psychologist services
3 отзыва
MRT, Pediatrician, Children's health centres, medical laboratory, Multifaceted Medical Centres
Therapist services, Pediatrician, Orthopedist, trauma sergion, Health care, neurologist services
Pediatrician, Health care, Ultrasound scan, medical laboratory, Multifaceted Medical Centres
Pediatrician, Ultrasound scan, endocrinologist services, medical laboratory, Multifaceted Medical Centres
Health care, Ultrasound scan, endocrinologist services, Gynecologist, Women’s Consulting Offices
Pediatrician, Homeopathy, Health care, Therapeutic massage, Multifaceted Medical Centres
детский медицинский центр в севастополе. профильные детские врачи. узи и исследования. вызов детского врача на дом в севастополе. центр аллергологии. детский педиатр для часто болеющих детей. запись на прием к врачу в частный медицинский центр.
1479700022, 1479692198, 2023518950, 2025028581, 1479713902, 1479724409, 2363086617, 2014109878, 2353718463, 1479717903
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