Logopedist services in Севастополе
Победа, центр восточной культуры
Guitar courses, Singing courses, Sports leagues, Studying foreign languages, logopedist services
phone: +7 (8692) 94-89-
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Маленький Оксфорд, учебный центр
Supplementary education, School preparation, Early development centers, nursery education, logopedist services, Foreign language courses
phone: +7-978-079-17-
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Развитие, психолого-педагогический центр
Early development centers, nursery education, logopedist services, psychologist services
phone: +7-978-008-09-
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Институт детства Светланы Ткаченко, частный логопедический ясли-сад и развивающий центр
Singing courses, School preparation, Early development centers, nursery education, logopedist services, Private kindergarden
phone: +7-978-799-82-
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Центр логотерапии и нейрокоррекции
School preparation, Early development centers, nursery education, logopedist services
phone: +7-978-520-60-
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Сказочная страна семьи и детства
Massage, logopedist services, Games stores for children, psychologist services
phone: +7-978-704-53-
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Институт детства Светланы Ткаченко
School preparation, Early development centers, nursery education, logopedist services, Foreign language courses
phone: +7-978-613-66-
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iStudio, учебный центр
Supplementary education, School preparation, Foreign languages school, Studying foreign languages, logopedist services
phone: +7-978-715-35-
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РОССИЯ-21, детский центр
School preparation, Early development centers, nursery education, logopedist services, Private kindergarden
phone: +7-978-941-87-
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Карачинцева Наталья Евгеньевна,Центр психологической помощи и нейрокоррекции, руководитель центра развития детей, детский и семейный медицинский психолог
logopedist services, psychologist services
phone: +7-978-037-88-
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Дошколад, частный детский сад
Day Care Centeres, School preparation, Early development centers, nursery education, logopedist services, Private kindergarden
phone: +7-978-717-63-
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Территория речи, нейрологопедический центр
logopedist services, psychologist services
phone: +7-978-207-88-
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Эрудит, детский гуманитарный центр
Art and handicrafts schools, Drama classes, Foreign languages school, Early development centers, nursery education, logopedist services
phone: +7-978-784-74-
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School preparation, Foreign languages school, Studying foreign languages, logopedist services
phone: +7-978-004-89-
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Пчелка, частная школа
School preparation, Early development centers, nursery education, logopedist services, Private kindergarden
phone: +7-978-722-06-
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Академия Успеха, учебный центр
Supplementary education, School preparation, logopedist services, Art and leisure centers
phone: +7-978-700-09-
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Маленькая страна, детский психолого-медицинский педагогический центр
Pediatrician, Day Care Centeres, Early development centers, nursery education, logopedist services, psychologist services
ЛОГОрошек, частный логопедический кабинет
logopedist services
phone: +7-978-988-71-
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Говоруша, клуб речевого развития
School preparation, Studying foreign languages, logopedist services, psychologist services
phone: +7-978-062-57-
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Bubu, центр детского развития
School preparation, Early development centers, nursery education, Studying foreign languages, logopedist services, Art and leisure centers
phone: +7-978-742-29-
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2046148881, 2210180467, 2698576427, 1479714462, 2666772618, 1862331536, 2765541229, 1479727430, 1796722012, 2828464458, 2841461924, 1953490922, 1479692402, 2735345571, 2949048417, 1479713861, 1876782923, 2830973205, 1479692198, 2538350714, 2367955483, 1479685307, 2129375022, 2333070680, 1479686351, 3182579651, 2435449336, 1479687133, 1948689802, 2540991377, 2772452747, 1686637775, 1889103239, 2126467354, 1479727723, 2955619241, 1479691813, 2269842441, 2230791349