Clothing repair in Севастополе
Наири, ремонт обуви и кожгалантереи
Key cutting, Clothing repair, Shoe repairs/cobbler, Materials for footware manufacturing and repair
phone: +7-978-210-96-
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Brilliant bay, бутик- ателье
Tailoring establishment, Clothing repair, Ladies' clothes, Children's clothes, Menswear
phone: +7-978-829-36-
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Швейка, ателье
Tailoring establishment, Clothing repair
phone: +7-978-263-63-
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Альфа Строй, компания
Leather and furs, Clothing repair, Construction works, Windows, Sewing accessories
phone: +7-978-014-51-
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Ремонт обуви, сумок, чемоданов, колясок, зонтов
Clothing repair, Shoe repairs/cobbler
phone: +7-978-877-63-
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Лия, ателье
Tailoring establishment, Clothing repair
phone: +7 (8692) 63-33-
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Fashion Workshop, ателье
Tailoring establishment, Clothing repair
phone: +7-978-052-40-
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Соль, ателье
Tailoring establishment, Clothing repair, Sewing leather, Fur coat manufacture
Спец. одежда, ателье
Tailoring establishment, Clothing repair, Protective clothing and personal safety equipmet
Virtuosos of Thread, ателье
Tailoring establishment, Clothing repair
Индивидуальный пошив, ателье
Tailoring establishment, Clothing repair
phone: +7-978-739-10-
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Ателье, ателье
Tailoring establishment, Clothing repair
phone: +7-978-919-68-
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LIME collection, магазин-ателье
Tailoring establishment, Clothing repair, Fabric
phone: +7-978-060-99-
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Стиль, ателье
Tailoring establishment, Clothing repair, Sewing leather, Fur coat manufacture
phone: +7 (8692) 53-33-
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Особая, ателье
Tailoring establishment, Clothing repair, Sewing accessories
phone: +7-978-064-32-
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Ткани, швейная фурнитура и пряжа, магазин
Clothing repair, Yarn, Fabric, Sewing accessories, Handicraft
phone: +7-978-726-15-
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Ателье, пошив, ремонт одежды
Tailoring establishment, Clothing repair, Knitted garments manufacture
phone: +7-978-849-44-
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2794364852, 1479690607, 1479714465, 2551220194, 1479701689, 1479711033, 2772441646, 1479727906, 1479701044, 1479692442, 1815490905, 1479690091, 1479699619, 1479718356, 1479725618, 2279524286, 2421654370, 2478784151, 2759016689, 2770000034, 2773612064, 2773687042, 2830750688, 2367378484, 1479712254, 1968628951, 2164646640, 2676437591, 1479703548, 1479723815, 2481639451, 1479726688, 1479690936, 1479704457, 1865098275, 1479689898, 1479695349, 2037369493, 1479727282, 1479722435, 1815461057, 1479721299, 1479719374, 1479702806, 1796760478, 2765336162, 2816681170, 1479705123, 2082915822, 2807108121, 1762209010, 1479692974, 2805222080, 1479714597, 2557744252, 2189805489, 2754737429, 1479698175, 1479698680, 1479699586, 1479719759, 1479713343, 1479705758, 2477049080, 2772547123, 2042403532, 1479710167, 2772466088, 1479697917, 2896141869, 1479687822, 1479687167, 1479681750, 2073778313, 2783120485