Monitoring systems of transport in Севастополе
РНИЦ города Севастополя, АО
Navigation control services, Monitoring systems of transport
phone: +7 (8692) 55-15-
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ГЛОНАСС, группа компаний
Monitoring systems of transport, Navigation equipment, Tachographs
phone: +7-978-091-12-
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АвтоКонтроль, компания
Navigation control services, Monitoring systems of transport, Navigation equipment
phone: +7-978-123-00-
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Омникомм Крым, компания
Specialized autoequipment, Monitoring systems of transport, Drivers' daily checkup, Navigation equipment, Tachographs
phone: +7-912-256-16-
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1800870608, 1821701047, 1479688579, 2102833168