Административное здание
пр-кт. Генерала Острякова, 260
г. Севастополь, Республика Крым, Ленинский area.
По этому адресу находится 95 organizations.
4hands, ногтевая студия, шугаринг, салон бровей и ресниц
Eyelashes and eyebrows correction, Manicure services, Sugar waxing, Eyelash extensions
phone: +7-978-551-01-
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Atrium, книжный магазин
Books, Souvenirs and gifts, Text books, Stationery
phone: +7-978-044-32-
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Bergamo, нижнее белье и купальники
Ladies' clothes, Clothes and accessories, Underwear
phone: +7-978-730-86-
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CI VEDIAMO, магазин
Ladies' clothes, Clothes and accessories, Shoes
Columbia, магазин
Ladies' clothes, Clothes and accessories, Menswear, Shoes, Sportswear and sports shoes
phone: +7-978-019-28-
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Crystal & Clutch, магазин
Costume jewelry, Leather goods and haberdashery
DNS, супермаркет цифровой и бытовой техники
Internet shop, Digital technologies, mobile phones, Computers, computer accessories, Audio/video goods and home appliances
phone: +7-800-770-79-
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Donna Maria, еда на вынос
Tea and coffee, Coffee houses, Confectionery
phone: +7-978-918-94-
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ES, электронные сигареты
Tobacco products/ Goods for smoking
phone: +7-978-865-28-
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I.Dream, магазин
mobile phones, Mobile phone servicing, Mobile phone accessories
phone: +7-978-777-77-
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iSmart, магазин
mobile phones, Mobile phone servicing, Mobile phone accessories, Computers, computer accessories
phone: +7-978-817-58-
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Izumi Shop, корейская косметика
Hygienic goods, Cosmetics
phone: +7-978-787-98-
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2772221962, 1479727941, 2747753206, 1865350869, 1889085345, 1865611014, 1479686566, 1479726864, 1974533849, 1479708807, 2588554944, 1640240683, 1865287990, 1865373056, 2027575658, 1479712060, 1865232716, 1865804631, 1479708662, 1479703668, 1865807570, 1707562950, 2170045173, 1865655713, 2091258906, 1479697476, 1865242142, 1479694470, 1865657203, 1865299099, 1865299314, 1479684573, 2511049215, 1479688118, 1479718994, 1479713725, 1934741244, 1479720800, 1479716360, 1479704010, 1479724771, 1479701020, 1479723906, 2156767900, 1479694648, 1865230216, 1479683347, 1479722992, 1652553591, 1479688772, 1479696440, 1479701701, 1865634780, 1479686696, 1763101944, 1479706175, 1853104622, 1753835298, 1479722684, 1479714190, 1479723770, 1865957481, 1479689448, 1865648841, 1865618249, 2747826779, 1853080919, 2394525185, 1479706378, 1479705694, 2599655319, 2364306521, 1479713148, 2018331289, 1865298155, 1479691207, 2018635988, 1479711454, 1479727601, 1479721166, 1623130101, 2771491461, 1479719047, 2088419320, 1940852155, 1865651088, 1479710158, 1479687275, 1479707481, 1479701757, 1479704710, 1479709784, 1479722737, 1865647661, 1479714299